Standards for safety showers and eyewashes

Emergency showers and eyewashes are subject to a number of standards, namely the European standard EN 15154-5 and the American standard AnsiZ 358.1. Both standards are central to the development of our range of emergency safety showers.


EN 15154-5

Most important points :

  • Minimum flow of water safety shower 60 l/min
  • Minimum flow of water eyewash 6 l/min
  • Flow of water for at least 15 minutes
  • Potable water or water of a similar quality is required for safety showers and eyewashe
  • Water delivered by the emergency safety equipment should be tepid, between 15°C-37°C (ideally between 20°C-25°C)
  • Equipment must be located in a clearly visible, easily identifiable position and free from any obstructions 


ANSIZ 358.1

Most important points :

  • Minimum flow of water safety shower 76 l/min
  • Minimum flow of water eyewash 11,4 l/min
  • Flow of water for at least15 minuten
  • Potable water or water of a similar quality is required for safety showers and eyewashes
  • Water delivered by the emergency safety equipment should be tepid, between 16°C-38°C
  • Equipment must be located in a clearly visible, easily identifiable position and free from any obstructions